Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just under 2 (with varying amounts of 0's)

I noticed an interesting trend today.  There are...

Just under 200 days remaining until I marry my best friend.

Just under 2 working days left this week.

Just under 20 things on my to-do list for the up coming weekend. (yikes!)

Just under 2 months until my dear friend, K, walks down the aisle.

Just under 200 items on our registry. (that I cannot stop tweaking!)

Just under 20 things on my grocery list.

Just under 20,000 smackaroos owed to the fine lenders who helped me pay for my education.

Just under $20 left in my wallet.

Just under 2 minutes until I head to the gym for my lunch break.

Random, I know, but I thought I'd share.  What are you up to on this fine Thursday that I earlier today mistook for a Manic Monday? :-)

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