For some months now, I’ve been debating whether or not I should attempt writing a blog of my own. I enjoy reading what others have to say on a wide variety of topics and am generally intrigued by the whole idea. However, when it comes to picking a title or a focus for my blog, it doesn’t take long for me to choose one of the following excuses against creating a blog:
1. My life isn’t interesting enough
2. People won’t understand my humor
3. I’m too young and inexperienced to have valid opinions/advice
4. It won’t be liked by anyone, and I’ll fall into a deep, dark depression over it
Well, as you can see, I’ve resolved these issues, at least temporarily, and am proud to welcome you to Melanie’s boring, unfunny, naïve, depressing Mark!
I don’t know where this blog will take me, but now that I’ve reached the completely arbitrary number of possible topics that I deemed an appropriate amount to build confidence, I’ll be off to a [minimally] mediocre start.
<insert hopeful face>
you can do it!!!! :)gina